Scuba Divers Federation of South Australia
SDFSA Lifetime Membership Awards Event
The SDFSA Life Membership honour was proposed and approved at a Special General Meeting of the Federation in October 2020 as a way to recognise and celebrate the significant contribution that an individual has made to the Federation and to the sport of diving in South Australia. This recognition is long overdue to those who have so generously volunteered their time to make South Australia one of the best places in the world for diving.
When is the Awards Event?
The awards are made every year or so, with either a special dinner or in conjunction with another major event on the South Australian diving calendar.
Awards event 2023
Join us on Friday, 19 May 2023 for dinner and an evening with Dr. Richard Harris and the Life Membership Award recipients. This year we recognise Con Penglis, Judy Hani, and Christopher Deane. Tickets available on Eventbrite, at
Awards event 2021
Hank van der Wijngaart, Peter Koszegi and Steve Reynolds were the first recipients of this award. The awards were presented by Dr Richard “Harry” Harris (now the SDFSA Patron) at a special dinner held at the Rob Roy Hotel in October 2021.
The contributions made by these three outstanding supporters of South Australian diving can be read in SDFSA’s March Newsletter.

Dr. Harry and Peter

Dr. Harry and Hank

Dr. Harry and Steve